Month: October 2013 Page 1 of 1

talonX: Flawless Design

Hey everyone, we’re super pleased and excited to announce our anniversary today! We’re very proud of the growth and and all the projects we’ve worked on and created over the past year. We appreciate all of our client’s business and their varying acceptance of our crazy design ideas! As we move toward the end of 2013 and into 2014 we’ve got some ambitious plans to grow from the world of purely digital design into print and other forms of media. We’ve already started tinkering with some very cool ideas and have delivered a few large scale projects that are outside our standard media realm. At this stage we’re ready to evolve and move into a full blown digital agency capable of handling everything from web to advertising to video. If any of our previous client liked our web work (there’s got to be at least one!) we’d be thrilled if […]

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Logo Design: The Missing Piece in your Branding

Without a doubt logos are some of the most commonly overrated and underrated elements in branding. This apparent paradox arises partially due to the fact that a logos are perhaps the one of the oldest forms of communication in human existence and have therefore had many twists and turns and ups and downs throughout history as effective, annoying, powerful, meaningful, overused, abused, misrepresented and reused. What?! Says the reader. Logos haven’t been around since caveman times -– there are no stick drawings of Neanderthals developing carpal tunnel syndrome while agonizingly etching out a logo of a wooden club in Adobe Illustrator. This is ridiculous. Let’s analyze what we mean by logo; a symbol attached to a meaning. In this context, logos have been around for thousands of years. Stick drawings in their own sense are symbols attached to a meaning. A stick man holding a stick spear has a meaning […]

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ACink Web Design Calgary

talonX Consulting Launch

It’s here. talonX Consulting has officially been launch! Some of our more savvy customers may have noticed the changed to our web services page earlier this year but we’re now officially releasing the information to the public. This new service is in response to a growing number of requests and general interest in having talonX provide more than simply web services, but instead provide input, advice and services for optimizing sales, integrating software and web apps and automating and streamlining business practices to be more efficient. We’re happy and excited to offer our services on this front to anyone who thinks their business could perhaps run a little more smoothly. Please visit our service page or contact us to learn more about how our consulting services can help you.

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Dive into October 2013 page 1 of 1 blog at talonX Creative Agency. Our insightful articles cover a range of topics critical to Calgary businesses, including web design, graphic design, branding, SEO marketing, digital marketing, and logo design. Gain valuable tips and strategies to take your brand to the next level, build a strong online presence, and achieve your marketing goals. Want to stay up to date? Check out our latest blog posts for insightful reads!
