Month: February 2016 Page 1 of 1


Colours to Use in Web Design

I’m feeling blue. He was green with envy. She went red in the face. Colour is not just around us, it is inside of us. Colours help us decide what to eat, how we feel, how we communicate. It is not just what we buy, colours help us determine the brands that we will buy from. They kind of have their own personalities. Have you ever dealt with a graphic designer who agonized over finding the exact right shade of blue? That is because finding the right colour is one of the ways we can market to a person’s subconscious. For instance, consciously red means stop, but to your subconscious red can jump up and down and scream GO! But why? RED Red is an attention getter, it screams look at me! If a person looks at nothing else on a page they will notice the red. That is why […]

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orange clock

Does My Website Need an Upgrade?

TalonX started out in Calgary as a company designing kick-ass websites and from there grew into the even more kick-ass creative agency that it is. Web design is still the foundation of our work, so naturally people call us up to talk about website related problems and to ask us web design related questions. One of the most frequently asked questions is: “how long will our website last?” or something to the extent of “Our website is XX number of years old, should it get a redesign?” As a general rule there isn’t a set number of years where your web design just suddenly fails, there is no doomsday clock ticking down in the background that makes your current website suddenly become irrelevant when it hits zero. Well, if your website was designed in 1999 it is safe to say you need a new one… but that is a bigger […]

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video face

Video Vultures – Get Your Audience to Eat Up Your Message

Since “talkies,” or short videos with sound, came into existence people have been fascinated with videos and video marketing. Do you remember how wonderful it was to go to the movies when you were a kid? How it was such an experience and you could look forward to it for days. Do you remember having to actually go to a physical store to rent a movie and then rush to get it back on time to avoid those late damn late fees? How we interact with video just isn’t the same anymore. Since technology has improved and made it easier for the average person to point and shoot a video it has changed the video experience. People have become savvier and almost jaded, storytelling has had to be become more complex to capture imaginations the way it used to. The evolution of video technology and storytelling has also changed how […]

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Dive into February 2016 page 1 of 1 blog at talonX Creative Agency. Our insightful articles cover a range of topics critical to Calgary businesses, including web design, graphic design, branding, SEO marketing, digital marketing, and logo design. Gain valuable tips and strategies to take your brand to the next level, build a strong online presence, and achieve your marketing goals. Want to stay up to date? Check out our latest blog posts for insightful reads!
