Month: March 2016 Page 1 of 1

Brand Voice

Inject Your Brand With Personality

Personality, you have it and your brand needs it. Gone are the days when you could simply put words to a page. You have to stand out from the crowd, differentiate or die as the dire saying goes. One of the tools at your disposal is brand tone or brand voice. Just like people, brands can have a personality and the most successful brands have strong ones. Think of Franks Red Hot Sauce and their ‘I Put That Sh*t on Everything’ slogan. Irreverent, funny, and a little spicy. Those descriptors can describe not just their slogan but their commercials, logo, and website. How about Apple and their ‘Think Different’ tagline. Accessible, inventive, and personable. Now, personable is not be confused with personality. I say personable because they literally put their CEO front and center. There was Steve Jobs and now Tim Cook. You know who else is approachable, conversational, personable […]

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Logo Design Typography

Logo Design For Dummies

Ok. The title is misleading. This blog post is not just for dummies. It’s for the people out there who have had an idea. Call it a spark, a lightning bolt or a lightbulb going off, you have had a brilliant idea for a product/service/business. You have the idea, the plan, the funding and a name – now you just need the logo. Designing a logo or getting one designed can be such an exciting experience. That excitement can be a double edged sword, especially when that motivation and surge of ideas comes together to create an overly busy and impractical logo. We have compiled a list to help you stay grounded and remind you of the things you should keep in mind when getting logo work started. Storytime – Your logo should “tell the story” of who you are. If you are a fishing lodge a fish is good […]

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visual hierarchy

The Importance of Visual Hierarchy in Web Design

Gather ‘round kids, it is story time with talonX. Ok, well, less story time and more blogging time – but same thing different name. Today, we are going to talk about logo placement, web design and how to marry the two. Building a brand is not the easiest thing to do, but building a brand in the digital age is even more daunting. The sheer amount of companies and brands on the market now is staggering. In Calgary in 2010 there were over 52,000 businesses with employees. That is an absolute minimum of 52,000 brands that are competing with each other for time on an audience’s social media page, mobile device and google search. It’s pretty much guaranteed that there is a business or twelve that is your direct competition – and that is why your website has to be branded and designed strategically. Your website is your first line […]

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Dive into March 2016 page 1 of 1 blog at talonX Creative Agency. Our insightful articles cover a range of topics critical to Calgary businesses, including web design, graphic design, branding, SEO marketing, digital marketing, and logo design. Gain valuable tips and strategies to take your brand to the next level, build a strong online presence, and achieve your marketing goals. Want to stay up to date? Check out our latest blog posts for insightful reads!
