Month: January 2018 Page 1 of 1

Calgary web design

The Power of the About Page for Your Website

One of the most popular TedTalks ever made was Simon Sinek’s, How Great Leaders Inspire Action. If you haven’t seen it, he preaches that the best stories, the best marketing, all starts with the ‘why’? That is where the power of your story comes into play. The best websites have an about us section to tell the story of your business, that section is where you explain why. Why your product or service is going to make their lives better, why your background makes you trustworthy, and why potential clients should choose your company over your competitors. Feel like we’ve just been lowered into a pressure cooker? Don’t Panic! We’ve got a handy guide to writing an engaging and user-friendly about us page. Read on, intrepid traveler. First Person Please use the first person to write the about section. Many years ago, people thought it was more professional to write […]

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Dive into January 2018 page 1 of 1 blog at talonX Creative Agency. Our insightful articles cover a range of topics critical to Calgary businesses, including web design, graphic design, branding, SEO marketing, digital marketing, and logo design. Gain valuable tips and strategies to take your brand to the next level, build a strong online presence, and achieve your marketing goals. Want to stay up to date? Check out our latest blog posts for insightful reads!
