Month: November 2018 Page 1 of 1

Calgary Web Design Cute

Cuteness Lives In Web Design

We’ve all been there in a meeting with a potential new client and they say something like: “I want my website to be kind of, you know, cute.” While most of us want to make a website that is cool, cutting edge or outside of the box, sometimes a company or brand demands an overall “cute” appeal. It could be a clothing line for kids or a makeup line targeting teens, either way, adorable is not usually the preferred go-to for us web designers. What is cute anyway? Yes, it is a fairly subjective adjective, but It’s pretty universally accepted that is adorable, charming, sweet fun design. It is a website that would make you smile and feel a little warm and fuzzy on the inside. What elements make up a cute website? This is also subjective; however, there are a few commonalities or similar threads you can follow through […]

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The Three S’s of Marketing to Millennials

If you are a millennial, you probably cringed the second you read that word. It’s quite loaded and full of negative connotations. Of course, it’s not exactly flattering when you are labeled as lazy, entitled, and completely self-absorbed. On the flip side, us millennials should bask in the knowledge that despite the fact that older generations look down their noses at us, they are trying their hardest to figure out how to market to our group. In the business world right now, millennials are all anyone can talk about, think of, and vigorously research. This generation has been blamed for everything from the downfall of big box stores and the meteoric rise of avocado toast. We are the largest working generation, but also less likely to have mortgages; millennials understand that owning a house with a white picket fence is not as likely (or as desirable) for them so they […]

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Dive into November 2018 page 1 of 1 blog at talonX Creative Agency. Our insightful articles cover a range of topics critical to Calgary businesses, including web design, graphic design, branding, SEO marketing, digital marketing, and logo design. Gain valuable tips and strategies to take your brand to the next level, build a strong online presence, and achieve your marketing goals. Want to stay up to date? Check out our latest blog posts for insightful reads!
