Month: April 2019 Page 1 of 1

Calgary Marketing Agency

Building Trust With Your Target Market

Unless you’ve known someone for a long time, the words “trust me” probably throw up a massive red flag. There are very few people who inspire trust right out of the gate and there are even fewer brands who can receive consumer trust without earning it through tireless efforts. The more obviously a company tries to earn your trust, the less likely they are to earn it. Of course, just like a relationship requires trust to keep it healthy, so does the consumer relationship – especially now that more and more people are completing the entire purchase cycle online, without ever seeing a person. Even Uber and Airbnb all began requiring consumers to place a high level of trust in their effectiveness as a business. Even new businesses need to be able to build some goodwill with potential clients and there are some pretty easy ways of building that bridge. […]

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Marketing Agency Calgary

Going Off The Rails In a Creative Agency

“You can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world, and there’s still going ot be somebody who hates peaches.” – Dita Von Teese Not everybody is going to get along, just like every relationship is not going to be a perfect fit. Unfortunately, that doesn’t work out very well in the professional world, where you have to get along with a dozen different personalities at any given moment. In creative agencies, we are just that, creatives. The unspoken side of creative agencies is working with the clients. Whether there are client facing project managers in your firm or not, at some point in time we are all interacting with clients and no matter how hard we try, at some point in time we are all likely to have a client relationship go sideways on us. Just because a client relationship has gone a little off the rails doesn’t mean […]

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Dive into April 2019 page 1 of 1 blog at talonX Creative Agency. Our insightful articles cover a range of topics critical to Calgary businesses, including web design, graphic design, branding, SEO marketing, digital marketing, and logo design. Gain valuable tips and strategies to take your brand to the next level, build a strong online presence, and achieve your marketing goals. Want to stay up to date? Check out our latest blog posts for insightful reads!
