Month: April 2020 Page 1 of 1

Make Your Marketing Cooler (And More Relatable)

With the vast majority of people self-isolating these days, it is safe to say that our online habits have changed. Digital marketers are kind of having a field day trying to attract and retain the attention of their audience and trying to rope in secondary and tertiary audiences while they are at it. It’s kind of funny being on both sides of this COVID marketing coin. On one hand, we are a part of the team that is diving into the coronavirus messaging market and on the other hand, we are all people being yabbered at by brands. If there is one this we’ve learned from being on the flip side of that coin, it is to stop using the word ‘unprecedented.’ Despite the fact that we are existing in the very definition of unprecedented times, if we hear that word again, we may jump off a cliff and you […]

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Land A Job That You Can Do Virtually

These are extraordinary times, where most of us have suddenly found ourselves with an abundance of time on our hands and even more time to ponder a career change. Not knowing what the social landscape is going to look like in the coming years has made a lot of people ponder a career change. One thing is shaping up to be certain though – a company website has never been more important, which means that there will likely be a boom in the web development world in the coming years. If you’re looking to change up your career to a job that offers you the ability to work from home? Web design is looking like a pretty safe bet. Once you have taken your online courses and learned the art of website development, there are a few abilities that will help your resume stand out amongst the crowd and put […]

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How To Go Crazy Working From Home

With the Coronavirus sweeping the world, forcing people to self-isolate, deal with bone-crushing anxiety, and learn to live indoors, going banana pants crazy because of working from home while self-isolating seems really small potatoes. The people who can work from home, should work from home and should probably be grateful to have gainful employment where we aren’t constantly at risk… No arguments here – we should be incredibly grateful for our jobs. We ARE grateful for our jobs but that doesn’t mean that working from home doesn’t come with its own set of challenges. The chief challenge of the bunch being how soul-crushing and mind-numbing it can be to work solo. Lucky for you, our team has worked remotely four days a week for years now. We know how to work from home successfully – we crush the work from home game and we have compiled some of our useful […]

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Dive into April 2020 page 1 of 1 blog at talonX Creative Agency. Our insightful articles cover a range of topics critical to Calgary businesses, including web design, graphic design, branding, SEO marketing, digital marketing, and logo design. Gain valuable tips and strategies to take your brand to the next level, build a strong online presence, and achieve your marketing goals. Want to stay up to date? Check out our latest blog posts for insightful reads!
