
Berlin, Chicago & Calgary Advertising Agencies

If web design is where we started, advertising is where we always intended to go. Advertising can be considered the purest form of art and design with a business purpose. Our goals with advertising are twofold; firstly to stun, amaze, impress and capture audience attention, and secondly to convert your target market into loyal, consistent customers (with that second one being the priority).

Our medium of focus began with print ads and televised commercial and grew into billboard advertising, and other more traditional forms of advertising media. These, combined with your web focus, have enabled us to create engaging ads across a wide variety of media. Our work has been focused on two proven methods for audience engagement. The first revolves around stunning and hooking the audience. We seek to incorporate visually gripping design, intriguing copy writing, and reel users in through arousing, if not shocking displays that create buzz and audience interest.

The second strategy we’ve implemented follows our strategy of “pace and lead” based on the way humans think. This is evident in our video animations and much of the copy on websites we’ve created for our sales-oriented clients. This approach enters a consumer’s mind at a much more subtle level, seeking to mesh with their current line of thinking and then lead them a direction, specially in the mutual interest of the seller and buyer (though we’re usually paid by the seller). While this method lacks the hard yay-or-nay hook provided by the first approach, it tends to convert a more sustainable, loyal and repeatable user base as the market backwards rationalizes the need and desire for the product or service, or the understanding of the core message conveyed.

As we speak about in our creative agency service page, advertising at it’s most basic level is sales, but generally conveyed through non-organic methods. It’s overall message is closely tied to branding as an inconsistent message between a company’s brand and it’s advertising can be detrimental and cause conflicts in consumer’s mind.

Much of the above strategies and principles are based on having advertising agencies in multiple countries across the globe and understanding there are large difference in how the local market perceives campaigns. Through research, trial and error, and a focus on breaking the mould, we’ve crafted unique and memorable ad platforms capable of targeting specific audiences in all areas of the world. Our Calgary Advertising Agency handles a newer, younger city thriving on a entrepreneurial spirit. The Chicago Ad Agency is used to competing with some of the giants in the industry and must find a way to differentiate or die while explaining modern and new practices to clients familiar with doing the norm. Lastly our Berlin office has taught us about established methods of thinking, of targeting different subcultures and realizing that ads and principles do not necessarily equate across all languages.

Our combined knowledge, experience and testing has brought our ad offering to a unique spot where we use what works and ditch what doesn’t to craft novel campaigns that are highly targeted and follow specific strategies to generate proven results. We continue to test, grow and expand on our ideas and find new ways to get client products into the hands of happy customers.
