Calgary Web Design, New Media and... Advertising?

Calgary Web Design, New Media and… Advertising?

Hello reader (hopefully readers!). We here at talonX want to wish you a happy and exciting 2014. 2013 has gone by in a jiffy and has been our must exciting and a year where we’ve experienced massive growth! Back in the day we started with simple web design, only inspired by the belief that we could do more than what was out there and that’s led us to branching into all sorts of different media; animations, design, print and now… advertising?

Yes that’s right, we’re moving into the advertising field. What does that mean for you? We’re not ditching web design in Calgary, in fact we think we’re merely enhancing what we’re capable of doing by branching into more new media. We’ve had consistent requests for areas of media we were less familiar with and have thus grown into some roles that we previously had ignored — politely of course.

So if you previously put off by our shrug-it-off attitude toward other forms of media, we formally and officially take it all back and excited request you bring forth those projects again! We’re keen to start strutting our stuff and can’t wait to show you some of the cool sh*t we’re working on.

In this case the advertising portion encapsulates: print design (magazine and billboard), commercial filming for television and YouTube — as an aside we think most of these suck and can’t wait for an opportunity to improve them! We’re also going to be covering branding and campaign development with client relevant development that branch into other forms of media such as guerrilla marketing, PPC ad development, and of course the general web design and development aspects.

On the new media front we’re experimenting with some cool coding pieces, especially javascript and some CSS3 that’s making our websites start to look pretty shiny (not too shiny, just the right amount that is). While we’re sticking to our core focus of modern, clean and professional, we also want to improve the general user experience (UX) for our clients. We’ve done some experimenting and have some cool tricks up our sleeves that get people sharing, returning and loving your site!

We’d also like to thank all of our clients for a phenomenal year. We’ve worked very hard to deliver above and beyond expectations, and we realize this also places a burden on you to rise to the occasion. We wouldn’t be able to present anything exceptional if it wasn’t for the high requirements of our clientele that force us to become better and better with every project we develop.

So, here’s to a wonderful 2013, a very exciting and enticing 2014 and a rambling blog post that we’re not completely sure anyone is reading. We’ve got some super cool web and new media projects in the pipeline and we can’t wait to get them out in the open in the next couple months. If you see anything you like, be sure to give us a shout and we’d be happy to outdo ourselves again!

Cheers and Happy New Year!
