Geometric Design

Geometric Design

What’s hot right now? Geometric Design! Design trends are like fashion, it’s hard to say if there’s anything really new, or if it’s just a new take on an old concept. One of the current graphic design concepts that is taking the design world by storm is geometric design. A modern spin on older retro or vintage concepts. The angular and hard edges stand out among the curved styles of many traditional styles. An intentionally flat and 2D image flies in the face of of drop-shadowing, fine edging and gentle flowing.

As trend-hoppers ourselves we’ve started some very cool new concepts based on this geometric patterns. The talonX logo design itself is an origami shape, and blends some of the geometric style with it, but we’re taking it to the next level. Our most recent projects, Carbon Copy Digital has a geometric backdrop — and keep your eyes peeled for some very cool, cutting edge shapes (literally!) coming soon.
