Our Offline Workspace

Oak & Vine Responsive Web Design

Our Offline Workspace

We’re back in the swing of things after a brief jaunt away to South America. We’ve also upgraded our working conditions! They’re not as peaceful and serene as an ocean view but they’re ergonomically sounds and have been infused with LED lights to add to the coolness factor which we’re 50% sure might get old after a few weeks.

Why did we opt for standing desks? Well we’ve always been keen on healthy living and atypical positive working conditions but in this case we’re also motivated by legitimate science rather than purely non-rational emotional reasons for our choices (we promise our design work is also based on rational reasoning, not spontaneous emotion!) A New York Times Magazine tracked approximately 123,000 Americans and discovered that the death rate for those who spent six+ hours a day sitting was 20% higher than for those who sat for less than three hours a day. For women, the difference was up to 40%!

So we’re doing a lot more standing now; and rather than purchase a typical standing desk, we’ve opted to cobble together our own from Ikea pieces and other furniture chunks we’ve managed to acquire or have discovered lying around. The end is result is a production of a rather unique, if not modernly artistic desk that has everything we need.
