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Colour in Design

Hello first blog post of 2016! We here at talonX design would like to wish you a very happy and successful new year! With 2015 behind us, we are excited and looking forward to see what 2016 has in store for us. Today’s topic will be discussing the importance and effects of colour in design. So why is colour important in design and why should we carefully consider the shade tone and vibrancy of a colour before we choose one? We all know how easy it is to simply choose your favourite colour and move on with the design. But your favourite colour may not compliment the rest of the design. Here are some things to think about when you’re next face with the difficult colour decision. Colour has emotional resonance – this means that when we see a certain colour we have a certain response towards that colour. Be […]

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Flat Design Trend

Creating An Effective Icon

What makes a good icon? It should be something that is memorable as well as simple. It should also be something that compliments the exiting theme of where this icon will be used. Whether its an app or website, the app should be carefully designed to fit into these themes. An icon is basically a visual metaphor for a subject or item. Here are some steps to take when designing an icon. Research and define keywords that will define your icons. Find symbols or images that will associate with the concept you are communicating. Objects can be depicted in their original manner and activities or actions can be eluded with related objects. Shapes and abstract symbols can help with more complex concepts. When the subject of the icon is defined, graphics can then be drafted. Different variations of the icon should be made and put side by side to compare […]

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Videos are the Future of Content Marketing

It’s easy to see that online videos have worked its way into being the top most effective method of marketing. As long and short videos populate the interwebs, the potential reach from videos is increasing and that makes it an ideal platform to market on. Not only is the audience vast but also the content is attractive. It’s no doubt that video marketing is the future of content marketing. Videos engage viewers and encourage them to spend time on your website interacting with the brand. They are naturally appealing and present content seamlessly. Just as a painting can paint a thousand words, a minute of video is worth much more in addition to the impression it leaves. Over the recent years the production cost of videos has decreased and the amount of affordable equipment has allowed small businesses to delve into video marketing. Just as any other method of marketing, […]

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Logo Design; The Face of your Brand

Within the first few seconds of seeing a logo or brand, people begin to form an opinion about a company. This is reason enough to have a well-designed logo as it can be the main visual element of any company’s over-all brand identity. As current and potential markets grow to recognize, like and trust a specific logo/brand, consumers become inclined to react more favorably to future encounters with the company, which could,consequently lead to possible sales or an improved state of mind. To the general public, a logo is a company’s face. It’s one of the first identifying items people see on any of its product or service offerings, its website or any ad material, and it will give them an idea of what and who the company is. This design therefore should be unique and memorable as it plays a critical role in creating a positive impression on people. Why a Logo Is Important To […]

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How Branding Transforms your Business

In a way it’s true what most brand managers will tell you. People don’t actually buy products. They buy brands. They buy brands because they have a deep-seated connection to it or because it represents something positive to them. If you presented two identical items, (same specifications, same quality, same price tag, same everything) … to an average shopper … and you placed any brand on one of the 2 items and left one unbranded, ., 9 times out of 10, the shopper will pick the branded item. Branding makes all the difference. That is why branding is critical to a company or its products. Branding is not so much about the product’s physical or material make-up. It’s about what a brand means to a consumer. Products will come and go. Brands will live on. We take pride in describing Calgary branding as a passionate drive to make consumers not […]

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Web Content Generation

Learning Why Creating Great Web Content Will Boost Your SEO Rankings Conventional wisdom says that if one wants to be read, one’s headline or story title better be striking enough to attract the reader. This is so true in the development of content for a company’s web or blog site. If an article has original content, search engines will most likely be able to help get more exposures for the site. It is Google’s way of rewarding websites which contain subjects that are original. So with unsullied content, not only will your website be better, its rankings in search engines will also be boosted. It therefore makes sense not to take content generation lightly. It sometimes can be difficult, but the really good content writers will demand some time for research and smart writing. Proven Tips for Developing Great Web Content What follows are some guidelines that have been proven […]

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Any Business Requires Marketing

The kind of business a company is in doesn’t really matter. All businesses depend on customers and clients. Without them, there’s no point staying in business. And so, one of the biggest challenges that will confront a start-up business is attracting customers. This is why a good marketing plan is needed. Anchored essentially on how to create interest for the product and draw people in, marketing will help pave the way to establishing a company in a position of strength in the market where it plays. What Is Marketing? In a large scale perspective, marketing may be described as almost anything that a company does to get the customers interested in its products, service or the company itself. It may use any or a combination of available communications resources and platforms which may include, advertising, online marketing, research, branding, direct selling, any special promotional events as sales or discounts and […]

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