Social Media Marketing Tag: Page 1 of 2

Calgary marketing company

Keep the Content Train Moving

It’s true, some days you don’t always have the time, energy or inclination to write anything whatsoever – much less content that is engaging, on-brand, and well written. So what happens when you are too busy to come up with a new blog post or you don’t have any current news to share with your followers in your newsletter? Let us let you in on a secret used by many marketing companies… You repurpose the shit out of it, that’s what you do! However, there are limits to what your audience can or will handle for repurposed content. Luckily, our team has a neat little list of tips and tricks to help you use your older information in a way that your audience will enjoy. Read on, friends! Evergreen The key to repurposing old content is to share content that is not outdated. Evergreen content is literally information that is […]

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Calgary Marketing Company

Influencers – Word of Mouth for the Digital Age

For as long as people have had language we have been using it to tell stories and share our knowledge with our community. Our histories were passed down orally in the form of fables with morals – these stories literally helped our species survive. Whoever was the keeper of this wisdom tended to be the most revered person in the community and people would flock to them to learn around the fire. Sound familiar? No? Replace fire with social media and keeper of wisdom with influencer and it will help you understand social media marketing a little bit better. The technology may have changed, but the premise hasn’t. There are people with a high level of trust in the community and others flock to their social media pages to learn all they can, in the form of the influencer’s recommendations. The holy grail of digital marketing is to get people […]

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social media marketing calgary

Quick and Easy! Tips to Help Boost Your Social Video Game

Social Media video. Did those words make your heart rate increase with anticipation or dread? If the very thought of video on social media makes your palms sweaty, don’t worry. You can stop stressing out now. Smartphones have made video content a lot more accessible to the average business and marketer. You don’t have to have Coca-Cola’s ad budget to create a compelling video anymore, you just need a little heart, a little can-do attitude and this list! Give It Some Thought Those viral videos of someone getting cracked in the nether regions with a football are shot without a plan, but that doesn’t mean great video storytelling can be told without one. Go into content capturing with a plan and not only will you save time, energy and money, but you will also come out with a more engaging story. Write down your vision frame by frame and if […]

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Social Media Marketing Calgary

The Fine Art of Social Media Giveaways

Social media marketing campaigns happen all year round, but they really ramp up in the summer. You know the sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and people are in the mood to win free items – at least, that’s what business owners seem to think. People are pretty much always in the mood to win things, but that doesn’t mean that they are going to jump on your social media giveaway campaign. Like everything else in the marketing world, there is an art to getting people super pumped about your giveaway. Luckily for you, our social media management team has a lot of experience with running these campaigns and have compiled a few helpful hints to help your giveaway be the talk of the town and blast off! Know Your Goal You have probably heard the saying that “for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” It […]

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Social Media Marketing Calgary

How to Curate Your Social Media Feed Like a Boss

Unless you have been living under a rock for the past few years, you know that short videos and striking images have taken over social media. The days of simply posting a word based update are long gone and good riddance! A picture can be worth a thousand words, but it is a double-edged sword, as these days, social media managers feel more like they’re curating an art gallery than a social media presence. We are always hearing from potential clients who are at their wits end with their social marketing efforts. Business owners don’t have the time and energy it takes to curate a truly stellar social media presence, nor do they have the know-how. Short of being a gallery owner, having a photography degree or an abundance creative bones in your body, how do you generate a social media presence people want to follow? Glad you asked! You […]

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Social Media Marketing Calgary

Social Media Marketing – The Psychology Behind Social Sharing

So you have a wicked idea for some awesome content and you want it to go viral on social media, that’s great! But this is easier said than done. Just because you have great content doesn’t mean that you are guaranteed social success, there is a fine art to running a marketing campaign. The key to going viral is to get your killer content shared by the masses and across multiple platforms. Understanding the psychology behind why people share articles, quizzes, videos, and photos is half of the battle. Being the driving forced behind a lot of social media marketing has allowed us to navigate the ins and outs of numerous social campaigns, learning a few things in the process. Before you craft your content, take a moment to learn about some of the reasons why people will want to share your message with their nearest and dearest. A Part […]

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Social Media Management Calgary

How to Fight Creative Block

Let us get real for a minute. Social media management can get tedious. Sure, most of the time it is a fun job where you get to be creative and find ways to show off your company. It can be thrilling to check back and see how many likes or retweets or comments you are getting and it is super fun to watch the view count on your videos grow. But it can also be quite the slog. Content calendars, analytics, return on investment and just finding something new and engaging to post about every day gets tiresome real quick. As with any creative field, you can sometimes get blocked. When most people think about social media, they don’t consider the time, energy, planning, and creativity that goes into curating a truly excellent feed. If you are trying to make your social platforms shine, but you just aren’t feeling your […]

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