
Calgary Video Animation

What do you do when you need that extra “wow” factor to attract and captivate an audience in a entertaining, stylish and informative way? The answer is a video that tells your story through the incredibly powerful world of badass animation.

With an animation team that has years of experience in 2D animation, 3D animation, video editing, sound editing, and compositing, we can ensure that you get the best possible quality and the best possible variety in order to fit your own unique vision.

Our team has an insatiable passion to create beautiful and creative worlds that not only meet the requirements set by you, but aims to surpass expectations in order to raise the bar on what we can produce for you and what our quality standards are, and be proud of knowing that we can provide you with an attention grabbing video that you’re ecstatic about.

In order to make sure we give you the best results, we follow a streamlined workflow which locks in each stage of the animation process so that going forward we nail down exactly what you want and ensures that we have a strong dialogue in order to avoid any confusion. The process we use can vary from client to client depending on the needs of each client, however our general workflow for animation is as follows:

The first thing we do, once we have all the fundamental paperwork done, is we sit down and talk with you to get a sense of what you’re looking for and what you want to achieve with the video/animation. This includes purpose of the video, script, style, colors, possibility of music or spoken dialogue, as well as any other client specific needs brought forward. Don’t worry if you might not have an exact idea in mind since we’re here to help shape your vision and provide feedback and ideas to help you through this process as sometimes it can be hard to envision what the final product might be.

Once we have gathered as much information as we can, we then do two things in tandem. The first is that we send off a rough draft of the script to show you the direction we’re thinking of taking, then we put a multi-page document together called “styleframes” in which we mock up a few different graphic design examples on what the final overall style could be for your animation. These usually take a few days to create and execute so that you have some very clear visions to decide on in the hopes that one of them matches your own.

Seeing things come to life through animation is then the next step. We send off periodic samples for you to view and comment on and we make appropriate changes as is needed and eventually wind up with our final output which will be shared with the world where you desire!

As technology grows, and as more and more companies demand attention, you want to stand out and one of the best ways to do that is through motion. The average attention span is perceived to be an average of 6 seconds, so what better way to keep someone engaged than an innovative, unique, and strikingly beautiful video to grab their attention and maintain or surpass relevance in your industry.
