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Dive into talonX Creative Agency’s Calgary Web Design Blog. Our insightful articles cover a range of topics critical to Calgary businesses, including web design, graphic design, branding, SEO marketing, digital marketing, and logo design. Gain valuable tips and strategies to take your brand to the next level, build a strong online presence, and achieve your marketing goals.

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Calgary web design

The Power of the About Page for Your Website

One of the most popular TedTalks ever made was Simon Sinek’s, How Great Leaders Inspire Action. If you haven’t seen it, he preaches that the best stories, the best marketing, all starts with the ‘why’? That is where the power of your story comes into play. The best websites have an about us section to tell the story of your business, that section is where you explain why. Why your product or service is going to make their lives better, why your background makes you trustworthy, and why potential clients should choose your company over your competitors. Feel like we’ve just been lowered into a pressure cooker? Don’t Panic! We’ve got a handy guide to writing an engaging and user-friendly about us page. Read on, intrepid traveler. First Person Please use the first person to write the about section. Many years ago, people thought it was more professional to write […]

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Calgary Web Design

Make Your Website Shine With a Killer Sitemap

When people are looking to have a website created they immediately get caught up in the visual layout. They tend to place a huge importance on the colours, graphics, and images without really putting too much thought into how the website is going to be organized for flow. Yes, all of those things are important for a website, but without a strategic sitemap it won’t matter how visually appealing your digital presence is. Thankfully, you have your friendly web designers here to keep you on the straight and narrow! Sitemaps are a listing of all of the pages on your website, they tell both humans and search engine web crawlers what your website is all about and the kinds of information (or content) that it contains. A well-organized sitemap will help with your organic ranking on search engines and it will help optimize your site for conversions. Unfortunately, all too […]

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Calgary Marketing Company

Shopping for the Right Marketing Company

If you are looking for a marketing company to partner with to handle your online presence, you have likely reached the point where you can no longer handle your social media needs in-house. Years ago, when social media burst onto the scene as a viable marketing platform you only had to worry about engaging written content for Facebook and Twitter. Then you had to start finding cool images to post with the content. Now you have a whole host of social channels to choose from, intricate algorithms to contend with, and targeted advertising paired with jargon-filled analytics to figure out your ROI. It’s no wonder your in-house capabilities have been maxed right out! If you have had it with trying to make social media work for your business and are shopping around for social media marketing services, don’t just pick the first agency that pops up on google, use these […]

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Graphic Design Calgary

Graphic Design No, No’s

In the design world, there are a lot of circumstances where a graphic designer can take certain liberties and the old adage ‘rules are meant to be broken’ reigns supreme. It is true that when you are developing a new logo or marketing materials it can be beneficial to take risks, break some rules, and in turn see success; however, there are certain rules in the creative development process that should not be broken. Before you begin brainstorming on a new marketing campaign or working with a professional graphic designer to develop an updated style guide, heed these four unbreakable graphic design laws. What Does That Say? This may come across as a no brainer, but you would be surprised at how many times this simple mistake occurs. The first rule of design, especially when delivering a message to a target audience, is to be clear and legible. If your […]

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