Content Marketing Tag: Page 2 of 12

Ditch the Latin and Bring In The Leads With Strategic Website Content

Ever heard that catchy saying, Jack of All Trades, Master of None? It applies to the generalists out there, or the unicorns, as they have been dubbed. People who are skilled in one area of the industry but are also adaptable enough to perform other tasks well. While you need to be really good at what you do, being able to blur the lines is imperative in this day and age. For all you UX developers out there, being able to write website content to match your stellar designs is super important. That may be easier said than done, but don’t stress! Our friendly content team has developed an easy-to-follow guide to writing killer content that will engage and convert. Brief And Witty When it comes to writing any sort of content it is incredibly tempting to explain every detail, but don’t fall prey to your basic urges. Nearly all […]

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Kill the Social Media Engagement Game

As a digital marketing agency, we often hear from our clients that they want more followers on their social media platforms. It’s the battle cry wielded by business owners the world over, mistakenly believing that the number of followers equates to conversions – which isn’t necessarily true. On the other side of the field are the social media experts and creative agencies, ‘quality over quantity’ is our cry. It’s not enough to have people click ‘follow’ on your Instagram once, you want them to like, comment and tag their friends. Engagement is the driving force behind social media marketing. It is literally people interacting with your brand, products or services. Engagement is what is going to keep you in their memory, it is the name of the social media marketing game. With social media engagement, the snowball effect is real. The more people that like, comment and interact with your […]

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Website Calgary

Build Your Lead Pipeline Through Your Website

When you are looking at getting your business website designed you are going to be inundated with a million and twelve people talking about conversion. Drive Traffic! Increase Conversions! Get Conversions! Yes, the end goal of your website is (almost) always going to be to gather conversions in whatever form that may be. It could be actual sales through your website, email addresses or referrals to build up your lead pipeline. Yes, making your audience complete a positive action on your website is the whole point of your website but everyone has the same goal. The question is then, how can you help gently nudge your market in the direction of conversions? Lucky for you, we’re kinda knowledgeable about our field(s) and we’re here to drop some website wisdom on you. Become Best Friends With Hick’s Law Hick’s law is pretty simple. The more choices you have, the longer it […]

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Digital Marketing Calgary

Social Media Strategy The Content Calendar Way

Feel like you’re scrambling to throw up a social media post? A lot of people tasked with running social media marketing feel like that. Get up, pour yourself a nice stiff coffee and then frantically flip through some upcoming company news to try to find a few items worth posting about. Ever think to yourself that there has to be a better way? There is! It’s time for you to break the cycle with a nifty social media content calendar. The hard truth about social media managers is that they are often wearing many hats and think that they don’t have the time to create a content calendar, much less sit down and populate one. Our social media marketing team has one question in return. Do you really have time not to? Building the calendar may seem like it’s going to eat up a ton of time but it actually […]

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How To Make Friends (And Get The Job) With A Brilliant Portfolio

When you are an awesome agency, you get a ton of people trying to get a spot on your team by sending their resumes or portfolios, which is rad. Honestly! We love to see what other creatives are working on and how they can fit in with our ragtag group of creative heroes. We have seen the great, the good, the bad and the ugly. Which got us thinking that we are in a perfect position to help recent graduates step up their portfolio game! When you work in the creative field, having a killer digital portfolio is a must. Simply sending a well-thought-out resume is an ok start, but if you really want a good job in a cool culture you’re going to have to rise above the crowd and stand out by showing off your coolest work. If you don’t already have a portfolio, you really should create […]

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If You Build It, People Still Need a Reason To Go (Fun Times In Web Design)

Website design clients are sometimes like bright-eyed school children, full of confidence, innocence, and faith – they are under the often misguided impression that if we build their website, people will instantly flock to it. Unfortunately for excited business owners and lifestyle gurus, getting a new website developed is not like Field of Dreams and is, instead, more like a stakeout scene in a cop movie with a ton of waiting and no payoff… Yes, we can build an aesthetically pleasing, interactively appealing website that is responsive AF, but if you don’t have some sort of plan in place to drive website traffic, people are never going to know about your brilliant new site. Almost as soon as the website is designed and launched, many business owners are left scratching their heads wondering how to get people to see their engaging new investment. “How come no one is coming to […]

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Advertising in Calgary

Learn From The Big Guys And Sell The Dream

Whether you like it or not, how you choose to present your brand to the public will dictate your success. Advertising is an art and how you cultivate your approach will make or break your campaign and possibly your company, a Marketing agency could really be your best friend here. First thing’s first, whether you’re selling products at the lower or higher end of your target market or selling to a specific niche or a wide-reaching client pool, you need to curate a marketing plan that will shine through the competition. Easier said than done? Possibly, but with this hot tip in mind, you will undoubtedly have a leg up. Get The Ad Space The first secret to keep in mind is that a great Ad can and will invoke impulsive behaviour. Think about the last great campaign you were exposed to; a commercial, a photograph or a graphic that […]

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