Online Marketing Tag: Page 2 of 2


Web Content Generation

Learning Why Creating Great Web Content Will Boost Your SEO Rankings Conventional wisdom says that if one wants to be read, one’s headline or story title better be striking enough to attract the reader. This is so true in the development of content for a company’s web or blog site. If an article has original content, search engines will most likely be able to help get more exposures for the site. It is Google’s way of rewarding websites which contain subjects that are original. So with unsullied content, not only will your website be better, its rankings in search engines will also be boosted. It therefore makes sense not to take content generation lightly. It sometimes can be difficult, but the really good content writers will demand some time for research and smart writing. Proven Tips for Developing Great Web Content What follows are some guidelines that have been proven […]

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Any Business Requires Marketing

The kind of business a company is in doesn’t really matter. All businesses depend on customers and clients. Without them, there’s no point staying in business. And so, one of the biggest challenges that will confront a start-up business is attracting customers. This is why a good marketing plan is needed. Anchored essentially on how to create interest for the product and draw people in, marketing will help pave the way to establishing a company in a position of strength in the market where it plays. What Is Marketing? In a large scale perspective, marketing may be described as almost anything that a company does to get the customers interested in its products, service or the company itself. It may use any or a combination of available communications resources and platforms which may include, advertising, online marketing, research, branding, direct selling, any special promotional events as sales or discounts and […]

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email marketing calgary

Marketing Newsletter Launch

Just a heads up, a couple of weeks ago we launched our talonX Newsletter to a select few clients and associates. We’re now making the sign up available for all public visitors to our site who are interested in what our team is producing and what’s happening inside the talonX studios! While our blog posts tend to come out on a fairly regular basis, our newsletter is infrequent and pretty much random form of communication that is exclusively used for what deem internally as “really, really cool web stuff”. What does this include? Don’t worry, no spam or push marketing stuff, just some cool webby things we want to share with our readers that want to know us a little better… plus some other sweet perks that make working with us a pretty fun experience. For thos interested in signing up, all you need to do is click the button […]

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