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Instagram Myths to Avoid

Social Media Marketing Calgary

Instagram Myths to Avoid

Those that work in the marketing and communications industry know how stressful this field can be. The pressure is real when the fate of an entire company can be riding on a few keystrokes and demographics decisions. It is even more disconcerting when your digital marketing strategy has a strong social media component and the […]

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Advertising Agency Calgary

Imprint Your Brand In The Hearts Of Your Customers

When you watch a great film or read a great book it impacts you on a deeper level. It leaves you with something that you continue to replay in your mind and your heart. When you visit art galleries or museums you are usually drawn to a specific piece of art and after you leave […]

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Great Graphic Design in Calgary

Five Deadly Sins Of Logo Design

Creativity is something unique to every designer, we all have a creative license so we should all be able to design whatever our hearts desire, right? Not quite, when you’re creating something that will be the face of your company, the thing that will represent your brand for years to come, it is best to […]

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Calgary Marketing Company

Do Live Social the Right Way

Now that live videos have been available to the masses for over a year it is safe to say that playtime is over. It’s gone from a fun and quirky new toy that people would accept pretty much anything from, to a viable space for selling your brand, your personality and your products. It can […]

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