Web Services 2.0

Web Services 2.0

Heads up! talonX has restyled some of it’s key webpages to detail our service offerings more clearly! Don’t worry, nothing serious has changed, but we decided we’d let everyone know some of the finer details as we evolve to meet new demands and overcome new challenges.

First Announcement: We Love WordPress

Yup, it’s official, we love WordPress and we’re going to focus on this specific content management system as a building platform for the majority of our sites. We’re still integrating e-commerce and some customized PHP but we’re focusing on weaving together the finer points of HTML5 and CSS3 and combining them with jQuery to build some lovely new projects. What does this mean for you? Well for one, faster turnaround times, and two; a whole lot of extra functionality on the dashboard for when you’re suing the site on your own!

Announcement Numeral Dos

We’ve upgrade our search engine offerings to include multiple options for SEM. We’ve got a starter pack, multiple SEO management levels and an option for us to setup and manage your PPC Campaign. We’ve also made some previously hourly services available by turning them into monthly maintenance bundles. All of this is visible in our web service section.

Last Thing

We’ve created newer, cleaner, Googlier client starting checklists that are easily accessible via our contact page. If you’re getting a site, logo or animation designed by us these checklists help immensely when it comes to cutting down production time and building something that you actually want! The best part is that you can revise these if your forgot something and we’ll get the update right away. Happy checklisting!

That’s all for now, we hope you enjoy talonX 2.0!
