Month: April 2016 Page 1 of 1

website preparedness plan

Website Preparedness Plan

People get so excited about websites. We get it, we’re in the web design business, we get excited about designing cool shit too! Allow me to rephrase that, people get so excited about their website – especially about getting their website built. They have the idea and the financial backing for their business and like a thoroughbred racehorse they are out of the chute, chasing down web designers. Unfortunately, that enthusiasm and excitement can lead people to hire the first designer that says ‘hi’ which can lead people down an unhappy road and turn what should be a great experience, into a god-awful one. Not that we want to put a damper on the fun, stay excited, stay focused. We want the website and brand design experience to be amazing for you, so we’ve compiled a list of what you should know before hiring a web design studio. Do your […]

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Find Your Muse

Meet Your Muse

Whether you work in creative field or just dabble with your imagination at some point you may have noticed that occasionally your muse can go missing. You hit the wall or your brain just straight up stops working usually as a deadline is looming. Just because the talonX team are professionals doesn’t mean we don’t experience the creative block phenomenon – if anything those in creative fields experience it more often than they let on. Jackson Pollock, Mark Twain and Ernest Hemingway all had ways that they kept their creativity rolling. Hemingway would stop writing while he was ‘on a roll.’ He would famously stop writing mid-sentence so that he would leave himself a great place to come back to later, his reasoning was that it would enable him to easily step back into inspiration. Unfortunately, we’re not all Hemingway’s and creative block strikes usually when you need to be […]

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Dive into April 2016 page 1 of 1 blog at talonX Creative Agency. Our insightful articles cover a range of topics critical to Calgary businesses, including web design, graphic design, branding, SEO marketing, digital marketing, and logo design. Gain valuable tips and strategies to take your brand to the next level, build a strong online presence, and achieve your marketing goals. Want to stay up to date? Check out our latest blog posts for insightful reads!
