Courtney: Page 6 of 6


Examining the Trend of Flat Design

First thing is first – what is flat design? Even if you’re not involved in the design world in the slightest you’ve probably noticed that a new design aesthetic has all but taken over. From logos and labels to websites and apps, the flat ideals have taken up residency as the universal style for both big brands and small. In recent years, most brands have gotten a makeover both online and off, opting for cleaner, simpler and more easily translatable branding and web design to cater towards user experience. Gone are the flashy, reflective and wholly unnecessary design elements that we came to know and (almost) love in the early 2000’s, making way for the cooler, more modern style that has a better idea of what’s up for the new age. Favoring a design that prioritizes simplicity for the sake of usability, flat design dabbles in bright colors, open space, […]

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Web Design Trends for 2015

Mobility is the way of the future and having our little pocket computers in hand is better than a security blanket and nothing says comfort quite like a well designed website. As the web continues to grow from a technological standpoint, so too has it in terms of design. Having become more advanced and in tune with our societal wants, needs and visual stimuli, new techniques in web design are being introduced in order to keep up and ahead of the game. With this in mind, we can only imagine what might be in store for the future. So looking ahead at trends for 2015 we can only assume that this year, the best is still yet to come. Responsive or Bust While responsive design isn’t necessarily a new concept, in recent years it’s made a name for itself as being the new industry standard for web design in general […]

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Dive into Courtney's blog at talonX Creative Agency. Their insightful articles cover a range of topics critical to Calgary businesses, including web design, graphic design, branding, SEO marketing, digital marketing, and logo design. Gain valuable tips and strategies to take your brand to the next level, build a strong online presence, and achieve your marketing goals. Want to stay up to date? Check out our latest blog posts for insightful reads! Page 6 of 6.
