Calgary Web Design

Make Your Website Shine With a Killer Sitemap

When people are looking to have a website created they immediately get caught up in the visual layout. They tend to place a huge importance on the colours, graphics, and images without really putting too much thought into how the website is going to be organized for flow. Yes, all of those things are important […]

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Calgary Marketing Company

Shopping for the Right Marketing Company

If you are looking for a marketing company to partner with to handle your online presence, you have likely reached the point where you can no longer handle your social media needs in-house. Years ago, when social media burst onto the scene as a viable marketing platform you only had to worry about engaging written […]

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Graphic Design Calgary

Graphic Design No, No’s

In the design world, there are a lot of circumstances where a graphic designer can take certain liberties and the old adage ‘rules are meant to be broken’ reigns supreme. It is true that when you are developing a new logo or marketing materials it can be beneficial to take risks, break some rules, and […]

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